Ulrich Kortenkamp


Kortenkamp, U., & Ladel, S.. (2014). Flexible Use and Understanding of Place Value Via Traditional and Digital Tools. Research Report. In P. Lilijedahl, Nicol, C., Oesterle, S., & Allan, D. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vancouver, Canada: Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME).
Kortenkamp, U., & Ladel, S.. (2013). An activity-approach to multi-touch tools in early maths learning. The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 20, 3-8.
Ladel, S., & Kortenkamp, U.. (2013). An activity-theoretic approach to multi-touch tools in early maths learning. The International Journal for Technoloy in Mathematics Education, 20, 3-8.
Ladel, S., & Kortenkamp, U.. (2013). Number Concepts - Process of Internalization and Externalization by the Use of Multi-Touch Technology. In U. Kortenkamp, Brandt, B., Benz, C., Krummheuer, G., Ladel, S., & Vogel, R. (Hrsg.), Early Mathematics Learning. Selected Papers of the POEM 2012 Conference. (S. 237-253). New York: Springer.


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